Return & Refund Policy

Return Policy

48 Hour free returns policy, subject to terms and conditions.

Requirement for a valid procedure
  • Proof of purchase – the document handed over to you together with the product on delivery
  • Original packaging – the manufacturer packaging
  • Any free promotional items – gifts or accessories delivered with the purchased item
  • Valid return reason

For any return request, please contact our Customer Service Centre through our contacts provided in the website.

What happens once I have returned an item?
  • We will perform a careful quality check.
  • If the claim is valid, we will refund you according to your requested refund method.
  • The process may take up to 21 days from when your return request was submitted.
  • If the claim is invalid the item will be sent back to you.
  • We keep track of all return requests and use the data to improve our product quality and service, as well as for customer profiling. Customers with unjustified/invalid returns may be denied the right to return items, place pay-on-delivery orders or even shop at the in the future.
Refund Policy

Refund process begins after we have completed evaluating your returned product from the day you submitted your return request. This evaluation process may take up to 21 days. A refund notification shall be sent via email once the process is finalized. If the claim is valid, we will refund you WITH EXCHANGE OF ITEMS. NO CASH REFUND WILL BE ENTERTAINED.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions of Sale shall be interpreted and governed by the laws in force in Kenya. Each party hereby agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the Kenyan courts and to waive any objections based upon venue. Any disputes will be decided by Kenyan courts.

Miscellaneous Provisions

You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.

Assigning or sub-contracting any of your rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions of Sale to any third party is prohibited unless agreed upon in writing by the seller.

We reserve the right to transfer, assign or sub-contract the benefit of the whole or part of any rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions of Sale to any third party.


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